Jul 19, 2009

Ferruginous Duck (Βαλτόπαπια- Aythya nyroca)

At schinias earlier today.Although it is drying out quickly there is still some water in some areas and a fair amount of birds

Jul 12, 2009

Common Sandpiper (Ακτίτης - Actitis hypoleucus)

One out of two that have been around for a week or so.
Nice birds to photograph as they are easily approached.

Jul 10, 2009

Olivaceous Warbler (Ωχροστριτσίδα- Hippolais pallida)

There was a thought that this bird could be an Olive-tree warbler but it turned out to be an Oivaceous warbler(Thank you Niko for the help in identifying it).
Although it is a common bird this is the first time we see it at the airport area raising the total number of species recorded to 151.

Jul 9, 2009

Red-rumped Swallow (Μιλτοχελίδονο - Hirundo daurica)

Special moment but unfortunately backlight and the bright background didn't favour a very good shot